Setting up a Parent Account:
You will set them up as a regular customer by going to either Customer List > Add new customer OR you can click the large green plus sign button in the upper right corner of your screen and click add new Customer.
Once you have created the customer and have all their information in the system, You can now add the Parent customer to any Sub Customer in your Customer List.
Linking the Parent Account to the Child/Sub Account:
In order to add a parent customer to an existing customer account, both the parent account and the customer account that will become the subordinate account need to already exist in service fusion.
When both customers exist inside of Service Fusion, the following steps can be performed in order to add a parent account to an existing customer account.
1.) Go to the customer profile for the non - parent account by clicking on the Customers tab in the Service Fusion banner. Next, click on the Customer List tab that appears.
2.) Select the customer profile by typing the beginning of the customer's name in the search field, and then selecting the customer, or by finding the customer in the list and clicking on the customer's name.
3.) In the edit customer screen that appears, in the first tab labeled 'Account info', the second field over is labeled as 'Parent Account'. In order to assign a parent account to the customer, simply start typing the desired parent account name in this field, and select the correct account from the drop down that appears based on the text input.
4) Save changes by selecting the save button in the top right or bottom middle of the screen.
Answer: To delete a customer, go to Customer tab > Customer List > search for the customer and click on the customer you want to delete.
Once you are in the customer profile, go to the bottom left corner. Click on Delete.
If the customer has any historical data, you are not able to delete them, you can only make them inactive.
If the customer has NO historical data, you can delete them without any problems.
1. ) If you need to merge two customers, select and go to the first customer which will be the one whose account you do not want to remain. You can get to the customer by selecting Customers, then Customer List. You then do a search for the customer’s name.
2. ) Select the customer by left clicking the customer’s name which is highlighted as blue.
3. ) From the Account Info tab, come down to the bottom left and select Merge.
4. ) The box below will come up. Enter the customer you want to remain in the space provided and select the Merge button. ****Remember: a merge can not be reversed****
In order to create a customer, navigate to and hover your mouse over the selection at the top, Customers, and click ‘New’. You may also enter the new customer when preparing an estimate or a job but you will need to go back and enter the rest of the information in Edit Customer.
1.) Navigate to and hover over the ‘Customers’ tab in Service Fusion
2. ) Click New
3. ) Fill in the information for each tab: Account Info, Financial Data, Service Location, Equipment, and Documents. Each field that is highlighted in red must be filled in. Equipment and Documents are only to be completed if the customer has equipment or documents are uploaded. The information at the top except the service agreement switch will be the same on all the tabs.
4. ) The Account Info tab is the first tab and is where the customer’s specific information is entered. Starting with the fields at the top, enter the customer name first.
5. ) If you get the message the customer already exists like you see below, then the customer is not a new customer or the name is the same as an already existing customer. Select ‘I want to alter the name’. It is important that names in Service Fusion be unique.
6. ) The Parent Account is the next information box. Only enter a parent account name if this account is a sub-account of another account.. It would be a situation where a company owns multiple properties each with its own address and separate information. The parent account needs to be set up separately and that name entered in the box.
7. ) The Account Number will be the next box and is added sequentially and automatically by the system. This starting account number was set up in Company Preferences when the account was originally set up.
8. ) The VIP Account? box is just a flag on the customer’s account showing the viewer that they are a VIP customer and it is also shown in the field worker app if selected to ’yes’ so the tech can see the customer is a VIP but would be ‘no’ in most instances.
9. ) The Service Agreement? box will be selected to ‘yes’ if there is a specific service agreement with this customer. A Service Agreement box comes up as seen below. You would enter the required information and can enter more service agreements if necessary. These agreements come up in the job when setting it up. In the job, if the service agreement has expired, the date will be in red and be listed as expired. Current agreements will come up in the job with the date black listed as current and blue if a future date.
You can add more service agreements and delete them here.
10. ) Select ‘yes’ for Active?. This is where you would go to make an account inactive by selecting ‘no’.
11. ) The next section to complete is Primary Contact. It is the main contact person for the account. This information is listed on estimates and jobs. You would enter the necessary information in the fields. Billing Contact and Booking Contact is for internal tracking. Since we are able to add additional contacts, we can designate one as billing contact to contact for billing purposes. The booking contact can be the one who is responsible for booking jobs or any on site activities.
12. ) You need to make sure the phone number and email address is entered for the contacts. You need to Configure Personal Communication Preferences by pressing the button named the same. You can add multiple contacts by pressing the button on the right side in the corner. They can have multiple phone numbers and multiple email addresses.
13. ) When pressing the button for configuring personal communication preferences, you will get the box below. You need to place a checkmark next to the selections of the communications that you choose to send for this customer and save. If the item is selected, the customer can get an email or text, or if you have the pro-plan, they can get a call. Be mindful of using the text because spam can be a problem.
14. ) The Create Account button is where you set up a Web/App account for the customer or contact to allow them to schedule services, set up estimates or review
history. You would select Create Account.
15. ) You will get a pop up box. Here you can select an existing email or enter another one. Their login credentials will be emailed to them.
15. ) The Default Document Templates section is mainly used if there are other template selections set up by custom documents otherwise Default will be the selection for here.
16. ) The Additional Information section has three sections and the first box is where you would place any private notes that are for internal reference only. The box under it is for public notes that you may want to show up on jobs or work orders.
17. ) The second area in this section, The Customer Tags box is for any tags that you want to associate with this customer for reports. Referral Source is where you would select the item from where the customer found out about Service Fusion. It is mainly so you can keep track of the sources that you are getting referrals from. Industry is the box where you would select for the type of industry the customer is in. Warranty Start Date would be as it is listed, showing the beginning date of any warranty you have with the customer.
18. ) In the last area, the Assigned Contract box is where the contract is selected that is assigned to this particular customer. They are the terms that you can apply to jobs. The contracts can be set up in My Office, Service Contract Terms. Also, the Taxable? switch is located there and is for setting the customer as being specifically taxed - yes or no. If the tax is customer specific, then you can select yes and which tax belongs to the customer by selecting the tax from the drop down to the right of Tax Item. You may also select a Default Currency if desired. The Business Number/Tax ID can be entered here. The Assigned Agent/Rep is selected in the last box which is someone who is in your organization that is selected as such for this customer and a commission can be applied to them here either a percentage or dollar amount. They will receive a commission for this customer specifically. If the agent is receiving commission for a one time job, the agent/rep would be selected in the job or estimate and not here.
19. ) Save Changes
20. ) The Delete button is for deleting the customer but you can only delete them if they do not have any historical data such as jobs, estimates, and invoices. Also, if you ever need to merge two accounts, you would select the Merge button.
21. ) After selecting the initial Merge button, the box below will come up. Make sure you put the appropriate customer you are merging with and select the Merge button. Just a note, this can not be reversed.
22. ) Next in the upper right corner, there is a section where you can select a button to create a new job or estimate for this customer. This is another place to Save & Close or Save. The box called Notes is here. You can add any notes you may need to about this customer. You Add it and they will be saved showing by who and what was saved. You can then edit them or delete them. These show up on all the tabs..
23. ) The next tab that needs to be completed is the Financial Data tab and configure the financial data settings.
24. ) The first section is the Account Payment Terms section. You will enter the Default Payment Method here. This can be changed in the job as needed.
25. ) You will complete the next box, called the Payment Terms. These terms will be set when the invoice is created.
26. ) You can set up a discount for the customer here, either percent or a dollar amount. Also, a credit rating can be entered.
27. ) The next box is the Labor Charge Type which is either a Flat Rate or Hourly. The rate will be plugged into the next box then the rate will be plugged into the closeout window when you close out a job. The number of hours on the job will be multiplied by the rate here. It can still be modified on the job. You can also bill for the drive time by selecting the toggle to yes. You can adjust the time on the job as well and bill it manually on the job.
28. ) The next section is the Credit Cards On File section. You can enter multiple credit cards and that information is entered here. It isn’t actually stored in our system but in the payment processor’s data vault and they are tokenized. The token represents the card. It is matched with the other information and it represents the card. It is then sent for processing. It is stored with the processor and can be used for future billing. You may also add more than one card in this section.
29. ) Make sure and select Save Customer Account.
30. ) The third tab is the Service Locations tab. This is where you put the primary location information and any other locations and their information. You may enter multiple service locations here by selecting the Add Another Service Location button and you can have them secondary and the one primary.
31. ) The Location Nickname can be something that describes the location such as ‘Home’ or ‘Accounts Payable’. The Primary Location is usually the main location address and the billing address can be another service location or the primary location. Next, you would have a specific contact for the location. Make sure to make it active.
32. ) Next, you enter the street address which is usually the main address of the company. You also enter the rest of the address, city, state, and zip code. If the property is a gated property, select the switch to ‘yes’ and enter the Gate Access Instructions.
33. ) Make sure you press Save Customer Account.
34. ) The Equipment tab is the next tab and it is a where to enter equipment that is installed at the customer’s location. You would select the Add New button then enter the information for the equipment. It is the place to keep the information for a piece of equipment and any job history is linked to it as long as it has been added to a job. When a tech looks at a job they can see any equipment linked to it as long as the equipment is selected for the job.
35. ) The Documents tab is the next tab and is where any documents relating to the customer is stored. You can store any kind of documents such as agreements, blue prints, pdfs, and etc. They can be uploaded individually by clicking the Add files button, and selecting a particular file from the list then click start upload. You can also drag them from the file over to the box and drop it then select Start Upload. Once the file is uploaded to the account, you can go into the document where it is stored to review by downloading it, edit the name, review it, or delete it.
36. ) The next tab is the History tab. Here you can find the the boxes showing the Last 12 Months balance, Lifetime Revenue balance, Total Jobs, AOV(Average Order Value) total, and the Current Balance which is the current unpaid balance. Underneath that is the Jobs tab showing all jobs and their statuses, Estimates tab showing the estimates and their statuses, Invoices, and any Parent Account Invoices. You can go into any of the tabs and select the number of the job, estimate or invoice to bring it up.
37. ) The last tab is the Logs tab. It is where any communications with the customer is stored. You can find Email Messages sent or received, Text Messages sent or received, any calls made, and Voice Reminders to the customer.